Ushiro Karate - Practical Philosophy of Bujutsu -
Ushiro Karate
- Practical Philosophy of Bujutsu -
著者 宇城憲治 定価 本体2,800円+税 ISBN 978-4-910001-18-0 判型/分 A5判並製 本文232頁 発売日 2021年11月26日
Win without fighting - the definitive version of Ushiro Karate that realizes the essence of Bujutsu!
This book is a compilation of three of Kenji Ushiro's karate books, "The Origin of Budo” (in 2000), "The Knowledge and Practice of Bujutsu Karate” (in 2001), and "The Way to Bujutsu Karate” (in 2003). And it is the definitive version of “Ushiro Karate”with new and detailed additions and corrections.
The essence of Bujutsu Karate, beyond styles and schools, is explained based on actual practice. What is the true meaning of Bujutsu? What is the meaning of Kata? What is the meaning of Bunkai-kumite? What is Body-Brain? What is Breathing Power? What is Neutralization? Who is a master? What is training? The book is a must-read for all practitioners of Bujutsu, not just karate practitioners.
In addition, this book contains a "practical philosophy" of life that leads to how we should be in our daily lives, how we should be as people, how we should be as leaders, and ultimately, how we should live based on Mr. Ushiro's wide range of experiences and perspectives as a corporate leader and a leading-edge engineer in the field of electronics. This is the starting point for the teaching of "Ki" that Mr. Ushiro is currently deploying to bring out the potential of human beings.
This book is not a ‘how-to’ book as we have seen in recent years. This is because there is no how-to in Bujutsu. However, for those who are serious about pursuing the path of Bujutsu, I am certain that this book will lead them to the true way of training. Furthermore, for those who are searching for a way to live in this difficult time, I am confident that this book will be a guide to living an unwavering life.
Regarding this Publication
Chapter 1
The Origin of Budo
What it is to Learn Budo
Motivation at the beginning
Level of techniques
How my view of karate changed
Karate after that
What kata teaches
Sports karate and bujutsu karate
Lifeline of bujutsu, offense and defense as one
Awakening to bujutsu karate
Humility is the path to improvement
Meeting a good teacher
Teaching with the essence of things in mind
Kata and Training Methods for Use
What is absolute improvement?
What to learn from kata?
Five steps to use
Theorizing needs to be tested for objectivity
Practice methods to increase the degree of usability
Objectives and means
What is Bujutsu Karate?
Bujutsu and budo
How to practice bujutsu karate
Practical philosophy in the “unity of technique and theory (Ji-Ri-Itchi)”
Inner awareness guided by kata
“Ateha,” the punch of bujutsu karate
Karate’s Ateha is comparable to the wooden sword in kenjutsu
The appeal of bujutsu training
Offense and defense are one in bujutsu training
Elements required for bujutsu
Knowing karate and not knowing kata
Techniques born from the enlightenment of the body
Bujutsu has a way of encouraging determination
Roots of karate, “The heart of Okinawa”
You are stronger if you have something to believe in
Chapter 2
Kata and Form
Kata to Form
Kata and form
Training system from kata to form
Bunkai kumite
Flow of Ki needed for usability
Absolute step-up improvement
Changes brought about by absolute improvement
Bujutsu techniques
How to improve
Practice methods for improvement
Chapter 3
Development of the Body-Brain
The Body-Brain Revealed by Bujutsu Karate
Body movements that do not depend on conscious action
The body-brain promotes unconsciousness
“Kyo”(absence) and “Jitsu”(presence)
Three Sen
From seeing to perceiving
Physical eyes and perceiving eyes / Eyes of the mind-heart
Body-Brain Development Method
Body-brain that unlocks potential
Kata is the starting point for awakening the body-brain
Mind-heart and consciousness
The free mind-heart
Solo practice necessary for developing the body-brain
Chapter 4
Breathing and Breathing Power
From Breathing to Breathing Power
Bujutsu breathing
Proper posture and body breathing
From breathing to breathing power
Breathing to create inner energy
Slow but fast movements
Fusing with your opponent
Neutralizing yourself and neutralizing the opponent
The ultimate throw is to neutralize the opponent
Neutralizing yourself without letting the other person touch you
Physical changes that occurred as a result of practice
From the relative to the absolute world
Chapter 5
Kata and Bunkai Kumite / Kumite
Kata is the Accumulation of Secrets
Awareness promoted by kata practice
From simple to more sophisticated techniques
What unification of kata and breathing creates
Creating true technique from kata
Relationship between the brain and the body-brain
Kata and Feedback Practice
Importance of the inner form
Visible and invisible techniques
Practice makes perfect
Words as an aid to understanding
Stability of posture
Feedback practice
A wide variety of techniques from a small number of kata
Personal history created by daily continuity
Development of the body-brain through kata and bunkai kumite
From Naifanchin kata
From Passai kata
Chapter 6
Interview: Thinking about the Origin of Budo
Seeking Endless Explosive Power and Neutralizing Power
The important point is whether or not you can actually use technique
Vector-less movement
Explosive power that requires neither distance nor time
Absorb the opponent’s power while concealing explosive power
Matching the inside and outside of the body
Mastering is a Digital Step-Up
Irreversible step-up
Relative and absolute training
Kata has truth
Offense out of defense is the basic
Essence of Kata
Three points to master kata
What is bunkai kumite?
What is the unification of outer and inner form?
Theory of karate
Budo that Reflects Your Life
Budo is based on bujutsu
One touch is worth more than seeing it a hundred times
The learning process: “Shu-Ha-Ri”
From dependence to independence
Bujutsu has the Power to Transmit to the World
Energy that produces explosive power
Progress in bujutsu is digital
Cultivating creativity through bujutsu
Budo has the power to increase the time scale
Chapter 7
Ushiro Karate from Then on
All that exists is always now
Field created by Ji-Ri-Itchi
Now as an extension from twenty years ago
“Ki” is the ability to anticipate the future in the present
The fifth dimensional world as seen through the practice of “Ki”