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Report from the training in Solec Kujawski Poland

Training Weekend in Solec Kujawski Poland on January 8th and 9th 2022

Following the invitation of Sensei Tomas (organizer) and Marcin (Sub Branch Chief of Ushiro Karate Poland) we met for a common training weekend in Solec Kujawski.

Solec Kujawski is located about 25Km from Bydgoszcz (former Bromberg) in a very beautiful landscape of Poland.

Tomas had provided a very nice big sports hall as a venue for our training and also took care of our physical well-being. Participants from Poland, Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, including many first timers, created a nice and friendly atmosphere. Despite the size of the hall, a noticeable positive energy quickly developed. Sanchin and Naifanchin Kata with Bunkai were trained and very seriously implemented by the participants. Further invitations were extended by other dojo owners to present an insight into the world of Bujutsu there as well.

It would be one of my greatest wishes that Sensei could hold a seminar in Poland in the near future to give the Karatekas there a true insight into the depths of Ushiro Karate.

Many dojo leaders (3rd and 4th Dan) and high-ranking students now realize that they have reached the end with sport karate and are looking for new challenges for themselves and their students to develop further and open paths for the future. It is nice to see how focused they were following the training content and realized that the journey is far from over.

Michael Koethe

(Ushiro Karate Europe Branch Chief)


Message from Ushiro Sensei on the report. I am very pleased with this event in Poland and I appreciate Europe Branch Chief Michael for sharing the report. I am looking forward to visiting Europe as soon as the situation allows.




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