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Video of Ushiro Sensei's overseas seminars available through Vimeo

Dou Shuppan is pleased to announce the sale of Ushiro Sensei's Bujutsu Karate seminar that was held at Berlin, Germany in June 2018. The video will be sold online through Vimeo platform.

You can see the trailer for the English version from the link below.

Teaching of Bujutsu Karate from Kenji Ushiro (2018 European seminar)

(22 minutes, $14/1,500yen)


Karate instructors from all over the world gathered to learn Ushiro

Karate. Their commitment and passion are clear from their feedbacks.

Mr. Ushiro responds by sharing his teachings.

Video focused on Passai kata and its applications.

Please follow the site's instruction on how to purchase

Japanese version available as well

Please contact Dou Shuppan for the DVD version (2,000 yen + Tax)

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