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Video from 2005 Aikido camp at Boulder Colorado.
Between 2005 to 2008, Ushiro Sensei was the only non-Aikido instructor that got invited to teach senior Aikido instructors for an entire...

Video from 2005 Aikido camp at Boulder Colorado.
Between 2005 to 2008, Ushiro Sensei was the only non-Aikido instructor that got invited to teach senior Aikido instructors for an ...

2018 Seattle Seminar Report
Ushiro Sensei's 9th Seattle seminar was held on the weekend of September 8-9th. Participants with different backgrounds (Karate, Aikido)...

Video of Ushiro Sensei's overseas seminars available through Vimeo
Dou Shuppan is pleased to announce the sale of Ushiro Sensei's Bujutsu Karate seminar that was held at Berlin, Germany in June 2018. The...

2018 Berlin Seminar Report
The 4th annual European Ushiro Karate seminar was held at Berlin, Germany on June 23rd and 24th. Participants varied from first timers to...

2017 Seattle Karate Seminar Report
The 8th annual Seattle Seminar was held in September 9th and 10th, 2017. Most of the attendees are from US repeaters from the past...

Karate and Ki from Kenji Ushiro Juku-Cho is now available on Kindle.
Ushiro Sensei's representative work, Karate and Ki is now available as an ebook on Kindle. This book consists of 2 parts: The first part...

Seattle WA Seminar 2017
We are now accepting World Seminar registrations! Seattle WA Seminar 2017 Date : Saturday,September 9th & Sunday,10th 2017 Training...

Ushiro Karate Second European Seminar
Ushiro sensei taught a Karate seminar in Bremen, Germany on June,25th and 26 of 2016. Participants were not only from Germany but Italy,...
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